
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a painless radiological imaging method of the inside of an organism. Within the magnetic field, it is possible to obtain information about the condition of the tissues.It can be applied to almost all anatomical areas of the body, while its non-ionizing radiation offers the possibility of multiple repetitions even in young individuals. The extremely rare allergic reaction to the contrast medium which is sometimes used is another advantage of this kind of imaging test. However, due to magnetic resonance imaging, patients with a pacemaker cannot undergo this test unless they are of a new compatible type (MRI safe).

Its contribution to the assessment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and some neurological diseases is important. Many other anatomical structures, such as blood vessels and the heart, are being examined more and more often with the ever-increasing possibilities of the magnetic resonance imaging. The information collected is of particular importance in the pre-operative planning of patients but also in the reassessment of the treatment outcome.

Examples of MRI performed:

  • Brain and visceral Cranium
  • Cervix
  • Chest
  • Upper and Lower Abdomen
  • Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
  • Breasts
  • Musculoskeletal System
  • Spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar)
  • Urography
  • Enteroclysis – Enterography
  • Cerebral Artery Angiography
  • Cerebral Vein Angiography
  • Carotid and Spinal Artery Angiography
  • Thoracic aorta angiography
  • Abdominal aorta angiography
  • Pelvic and lower extremities Angiography



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